Diversity is something I intended. It brings forth a richness of being and an understanding of the intricacies of an individual. I have prepared each one for My glory, to show forth a witness of My justice, mercy and unfailing love. A rich life comes from embracing all that I Am. Consider each one as another facet of who I am.
A rich life comes from embracing all that I Am... God
Honor me by attributing esteem and value to each individual, as they are valuable in My sight. I have birthed each one's existance for such a time as this. They carry the gift of who I am inside of them. Be faithful to draw out of others what I allow to flow through them from my treasury. In doing this there will be a release of the gifting within them for the betterment of all. I have created each one for the enrichment of others. My love is made evident to all when the glory of who I am flows through each vessel as I purpose it to . Encouragement is helpful stewardship of the gifts of God in a chosen vessel.
My love is made evident to all when the glory of who I am flows through each vessel as I purpose it to.... God